Adaptive Language Mapping

Adaptive Language Mapping (ALM) is a MATLAB toolbox that implements an adaptive semantic matching paradigm for reliable and valid language mapping in individuals with aphasia, as well as those without language impairments.

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ALM is described in detail in the following papers:

Wilson SM, Yen M, Eriksson DK. An adaptive semantic matching paradigm for reliable and valid language mapping in individuals with aphasia. Hum Brain Mapp 2018; 39: 3285-307. [pdf | doi]

Yen M, DeMarco AT, Wilson SM. Adaptive paradigms for mapping phonological regions in individual participants. NeuroImage 2019; 189: 368-79. [pdf | doi]

Wilson SM, Eriksson DK, Yen M, DeMarco AT, Schneck SM, Lucanie JM. Language mapping in aphasia. J Speech Lang Hear Res 2019; 62: 3937-46. [pdf | doi]

Diachek E, Morgan VL, Wilson SM. Adaptive language mapping paradigms for presurgical language mapping. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2022; 43: 1453-9. [pdf | doi]